
Brian Childres
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Brian Childres has been relationally discipling the hearts of men for over 20 years. In 2008 he developed Men’s Bootcamp, a weekend spiritual adventure designed to help the local church transform men and build empowering relationships for men in the church. Brian’s passion is to do whatever it takes to serve pastors and churches in the vital work of setting men free and training them to set other men free.

The greatest need of the church is to have healthy husbands, committed fathers, and men who know how to lead and make disciples. The challenge for pastors is finding the time to make discipling men a top priority. Brian and his team have been called to step in and help pastors disciple the hearts of men. They have helped over a dozen churches in Tyler, TX do this very thing, and now are working with churches in West Texas, Dallas, and the Houston area. Brian was also instrumental in launching the Texas Area Coalition of Ministries to Men and is always eager to help any church experience a renewal in the hearts of men.