
Carl Michalsen
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We have served in different nations since joining Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in 1992. Initially we served in Brisbane, Australia and worked with Discipleship Training Schools and led evangelistic teams into Asia. God called our family to Central India for 7 years where we pioneered a YWAM center focused on discipleship and evangelism. Carl completed School of the Bible in 2005-2006 and was later ordained with Ecclesia Bible College, Arkansas, in 2008.

We are currently serving and ministering with Youth With A Mission, Tyler, Texas. Carl staffs and teaches in School of the Bible where missionaries-in-training from different nations come for this one year school to learn the word of God to change lives and nations. Kylie teaches international adult students about God’s intention for families in Teachers for the Nations training program; a course which lays a biblical foundation for how God teaches people. She also has a passion to pray for women and families. Both of these schools that we teach in prepare the believer and missionary to be an influence in the different spheres of society – family, church, government, arts and entertainment, media, education, and business.

Our desire is to be involved in seeing the Kingdom of God expand in the nations; particularly in Asia. One way we do this is by training the many international students who come here for training and are then sent out in obedience to God’s leading.

Our Vision: To disciple nations by equipping believers with Biblical teaching; to serve with a passion to see the Great Commission fulfilled.