
Kala Maclain Boss
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Every student, on every campus, in every nation, 

Saved. Discipled. Sent.

In 2017, the Lord called me to Los Angeles for a month long training school with One Voice Student Missions. Little did I know that His plan was for me to stay and become a full time missionary in my home nation, but I am honored to serve the mission that He has entrusted us with. Even more than serving a ministry purpose, I truly believe that One Voice and those who lead it are wholeheartedly committed to serving the purposes of Jesus, whatever that looks like and wherever it leads us. And that’s how He has called me to live- I have been called to surrender everything and am fully committed to following Jesus. It’s been far better than I ever could have anticipated or imagined and I have absolutely no doubt that I am right where God wants me.

One Voice is a non-profit ministry that exists to see youth saved, discipled, and sent. We have reached students in public high schools for the last decade through our Jesus Club program and have trained churches and faith groups all over America in our model. In 2020 we transitioned into digital missions as many schools began to shut down and we also relocated our base to Dallas Texas based on the leading of the Lord. The results that followed blew us away. God is not done with students. Gen Z wants Jesus!

Personally, I have seen a hunger across platforms such as TikTok and Instagram where so many want to know truth and follow after Jesus. They long for someone to disciple them and care about them. We are seeing lives transformed through in-person gatherings and events such as Jesus Club Tours, GenZ for Jesus, and Riders Camps. It is such a privilege to be able to be a part of what the Lord is doing in this generation!

In order to dedicate my time and energy full-time into God’s call, I have the privilege and responsibility of raising up a team of financial partners. If you are reading this, I would like to invite you to join this team, fully committed to the purposes of God and living beyond ourselves. Will you please prayerfully consider this invitation to ministry?