
John & Kelsie Mullen
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John & Kelsie were sent out to eastern Europe to pastor a Czech church plant in 1996. The church, Prague Christian Fellowship (PCF), is an international English language community discipling believers from all over the world. They have raised three children who have chosen to reside in the Czech Republic.

John serves as the senior pastor of PCF. Kelsie serves on the board of directors for YWAM, and also serves as a teaching pastor at PCF. John and Kelsie were both founders of IHOPP Prague and Kelsie still serves on the board of directors. John was a founder for the Christian International School of Prague.

Církev Křesťanské společenství – “Cirkev KS” (Christian Fellowships) are independent, indigenous Czech churches (registered with the Czech Ministry of Culture) formally established in 1990. With contemporary worship services, Bible-based teaching, and an emphasis on meeting regularly in small groups to build relationships, the denomination has grown quickly. There are now about a dozen KS congregations in Prague and close to forty throughout the Czech Republic. Each local church has its own pastor and elders. A council of KS pastors addresses national issues and provides oversight for the churches.

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Komenskeho 204, Uvaly, 25082 Czechia


(214) 628 0791 (by pre-arranged appointment) or text to +420 608 243 788
