
LeAnn Sewell
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Despite efforts by the church at large, families with special needs find themselves marginalized and excluded from normal church activities. Community worship, music, meals, even Christmas parties become sources of stress, not joy or comfort. Special programs are helpful, but don’t solve the problem of integration. The special needs of one child can’t help but change the dynamics of a whole family who must learn to live around doctors, therapies, diets and home medical care. Vacations and family outings become massive efforts if even possible. Unintentionally, other children in the home often struggle with feelings of neglect, or the drive to be the perfect child, due to the heightened focus on the child with special needs. The stress of it all creates a divorce rate as high as 87% in families with a special needs child. And because of all these reasons and more, 80% of special needs families are unchurched.

Special needs families need special help.

LeAnn, a mother of 10, has learned to parent through multiple special needs. She’s learned the medical terms and how to be an advocate for children with doctors, schools, and government services. She knows what it is to feel like your only friends are your children’s therapists, to feel isolated and misunderstood due to the special needs of a child. Now, her drive is to help others thrive and find hope in spite of the daily weight of a life that ‘chose’ them. 

In January 2024, LeAnn opened Sparrow – Advocates for Unique Families ( LeAnn’s office is now located next door to her own child’s therapists so that she can offer this encouragement and direction to other moms on a daily basis. She’s available as a networker and an encourager providing relationships, resources and hope, finding restoration in their lives as families. 


phone: LeAnn 903-920-2360      Trey 903-780-9113