
Christopher & Lori Bruse
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“My recommendation for the Christian Church today is to call a moratorium on all activity and focus on coming into worship until the fire descends and engulfs us in the sacredness of His Presence.”


Hi! My name is Chris…

I have been married to my amazing wife Lori for 23 years. We have 9 wonderful children. We have been involved in several worship and prayer ministries over the past 20+ years. Our family is very musically oriented and it is our joy and privilege to minister to God together, through praise and worship. God has prepared and positioned us to be free to follow His leading into full-time service, for such a time as this. Our newest assignment as of summer 2021 is called “Monumental Worship.” We feel a very clear leading to travel to every state capital/capitol (the cities, government buildings, and other strategic locations) in America to host God’s presence through worship and prayer events. America is in desperate need of revival and awakening that will only come as we return to God and become true worshipers who worship in spirit and truth. We are praying and declaring that His kingdom and righteousness be established everywhere we go!

The Joy of Family Worship…

One of our greatest joys is worshiping as a family. We have been leading worship for many years and have always intentionally included our children. Family worship should be a normal and regular expression of our faith. We often gather together in our living room for family worship. This has been the primary place that our children learn to connect their hearts to God. This is also where much of our family discipleship has come from. It is a great place to learn and develop skill musically. You don’t have to be musical to do this, but you do have to intentionally make space in your life for it! Our desire is to see every family come together in their home and worship God. As we exalt Jesus together, it brings His presence and glory from heaven to earth. When His kingdom comes, His will is done on earth as it is in heaven. When we gather to worship Him anywhere and everywhere- people, families, homes, cities, churches, regions, and nations are transformed!

Partnering with us…

Modern Day is the organization we have been blessed to join with for tax deductible financial giving options. We will be able to continue partnering with Modern Day even if other ministry associations change through different seasons of life. This is such a great and simple way to partner with us financially. You are investing in our family, the future of revival in America and the nations, and ensuring the strength of this great organization and it’s missionaries! Please let us know if you have any questions, we are always happy to visit, pray with you, and answer any questions.

We are genuinely thankful for your PRAYERS and financial support!-Chris, Lori & family

Stay in Touch!

Please reach out if you would like us to serve in an event through worship leading, preaching/teaching, prayer, etc. We genuinely love to stay connected with and hear from our partners! Send us an email and tell us how we can pray for you. God Bless! 

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