
Jonathan Lew
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Reach the Lost, Revive the Found


To bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth and reap the End-Time Harvest while ushering Revival


There is a core focus on fulfilling the Great Commission while reviving the Church across the globe. We do this by organising massive Gospel Campaigns that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of people making decisions for Christ. We also work closely with churches to form strong discipleship that eventually leads to church multiplication.


In just the last 12 months, by working together with and serving other ministries, we have seen over 1.5 million documented decisions for Christ!


On one of our evangelistic campaigns, two thieves who have been stealing all their lives came forward to make a public confession to the crowd. After hearing the Gospel, they decided to follow Jesus and have repented from their sin. They wanted the crowd to see their confession and never to steal again.

Would you partner with me today so we can keep leading people to Jesus?