
Vining Family
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The Vinings are serving in Medellín, Colombia to the poor and at-risk communities.

We are so privileged to be serving in Medellín, Colombia. Our ministry is to the people of Medellín and consists of many different responsibilities. While here in Medellín, Jonathan and Amanda are leading worship, supporting Colombian nationals, supporting Colombian missionaries, supporting the local church, helping with ministry teams from the states, helping with local ministry teams, and carrying the presence, power, and love of God to the poorest areas of the city. As a family, we desire to be used for Gods glory in all that we do. We desire to be part of a movement that brings the kingdom and love of God to the world, which begins here in Medellín. We can only do what we do by the grace of God and His Holy Spirit filling us daily. We are abundantly grateful for our financial support partners, and through the prayers and love from our family and friends.

Harvest House

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is great. but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” Matthew 9:36-38

“Harvest House” is the name we have chosen for the property that the Lord has asked us to purchase. The harvest is plenty in Colombia and we desire to continue with the work He has opened for us in Medellin. This property will be in our name, and it will be used 100% for ministry.

The Harvest House will be a place where the workers of the harvest can come and find rest. We understand the pressures and difficulties of full-time ministry and our desire is to serve these workers by hosting a free retreat space. This will also be a place where we train short-term and long- term missionaries for the harvest.

While Harvest House isn’t in use for direct ministry, we will rent it out and use the resources to support partnering foundations and churches. A one week rental for a 4-bedroom country home could provide a week of food for 25 families!

Your donation will not only help us remain in Colombia, but it will have a ripple effect that will make a significant difference in the city of Medellin. Colombia.


Sign Up For Our Ministry Update Letter

We send out regular ministry update letters letters to anyone who would like to be updated on what is going on and how God is moving here in Medellin, Colombia.  Below is a link to sing up for our ministry update letters.

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Contact Us

Jonathan Vining – Email:     WhatsApp +57 (304) 463 6303

Amanda Vining- Email:     WhatsApp +57 (304) 463 6297