
200 Strong!

by | Jul 29, 2015 | Missions Articles

On August 3rd, it will have been seven years since Modern Day first sent out our very first field worker! At that time, we did not know what the future would hold. We are so excited to announce we are now a missions family now of 200 STRONG! That is 200 active field workers serving in over 40 nations!! It has been incredible to see how partnerships throughout the past seven years have been the true lifeline of growth. We celebrate our relationship with Shores of Grace in Brazil, Camino de Vida in Peru, Lou Engle and TheCall, Beltway Park Church, Gateways Beyond Bases, Various YWAM’s around the world and many others! 

We are humbled by the support of our field workers and their continual marketing of Modern Day to their peers. We wanted to show everyone some of the endorsements and kind words that have come from our field workers and partnering ministries through the years.

Nic Billman (Brazil) – “When God first put this dream for Brazil in our hearts in 2008, we didn’t have any idea how we would receive donations and manage partners. We signed up and Modern Day has been helping us live the dream in Brazil ever since.”
Danny Gutierrez (Peru) – “The world is rapidly changing and with it the face of the foreign mission field. Technology, travel, rapid urbanization, along with other factors are filling the modern mission field wit exciting new opportunities. It is an incredible blessing to have the support and friendship of a mission agency that is working with us in this kind of environment.”
Cullen Allen (Exec. Pastor, Allison Park Church) – “Modern Day is an organization of mission and integrity. We have encouraged our Northeast Ministry School students to partner with Modern Day in the past and will continue to do so in the future.”
David McQueen (Lead Pastor – Beltway Park Church) – “Modern Day has been an immensely valuable partner for Beltway Park and our ability to fulfill our mission to send our people to the nations.”

As we honor the past, we are also moving full-steam ahead into the future. In the upcoming months, we will have some exciting announcements on some new things that will be happening at Modern Day. We feel these additions will take the overall experience with Modern Day for both the field worker and the donor to new heights! We humbly move forward with the vision the Lord has given us and diligently work to make sure that Modern Day continues to be an organization of greater excellence!

In Sincere Thanks,

Marvin Slaton – Modern Day Director

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