
Resource Articles

A Guide to Emotional Health & the Enneagram for Missionaries

A Guide to Emotional Health & the Enneagram for Missionaries

As much as we sometimes hate to admit it, we need emotions. ALL of them. They are a powerful and essential part of the human experience.  But for many Christians, there has been a historical tendency to downplay or suppress certain emotions, often guided by a belief...

Hey Missionary, Your Body Is More Important Than You Think

Hey Missionary, Your Body Is More Important Than You Think

Missions work is a holistic work. We serve God and others with our whole selves––body, soul, and spirit. But if we had to rank those three in order, we would understandably put the body last. While our spirit certainly comes before our body in the ranking of spiritual...

Understanding Trauma in the Lives of Missionaries and Global Workers

Understanding Trauma in the Lives of Missionaries and Global Workers

These days, the word "trauma" seems to pop up everywhere. It's often thrown around casually, making it challenging to pinpoint its true meaning. What does it really mean and why is it important for missionaries to better understand it? Defining Trauma The definition...

Leading Cross-Culturally: 5 Key Lessons for Missionaries

Leading Cross-Culturally: 5 Key Lessons for Missionaries

If you're a missionary in a leadership role in a cross-cultural setting, you're no stranger to the complex challenges—but also the incredible opportunities—that come with the territory. It's not just about navigating language barriers or different customs; it's about...

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