
What’s your story?

by | Feb 13, 2018 | Missions Articles

It started out as an assignment. Five of us were asked to drive to Galway, Ireland and spend the weekend doing some sort of outreach. It was up to us what we would do. We were only told the location. So, we did what any good missionary would do. We prayed. Each one of us felt as we were praying that we needed to focus on the streets. Galway is a wonderful city with a high population of so many different cultures. We knew that if we stayed on the streets we would be able to focus on the people. And the people are what mattered.

We had a couple different people on our team with different strengths and gifts. A media guru, an artist, a couple musicians, and me, the one who talks. After putting all of our strengths together we decided to stand on the busiest street in Galway and ask people to tell us their story. We wanted to give people the opportunity to be heard. So many people have such incredible stories to share and are never given the voice to do so. So, we set up a single camera and waited. Thousands of people walked by and 7 sat down. 7 people from 7 different nations sat down to tell us their story. Ireland, France, Argentina, Pakistan, Chile, Germany, and Uruguay. Isn’t it amazing that out of thousands of people in one of the biggest Irish cities, 7 people from all over their world sat down. Each one told a different story, different experiences, and a different opinion on things. But, each one agreed that the ONE thing we need more of is love. The one thing we need more of is God. Every person agreed we need more of God.

By being what we like to call “Jesus with skin on” we were able to show and represent that love that each one of them talked about. While I was interviewing each person, one of us was praying for the interviewee and writing down words and pictures. Another of us was painting prophetic pictures for them and the other was still standing in the streets making conversation with people who stood around to watch.

Each person left our seat feeling heard, encouraged and most importantly, loved. That was the goal.

Do you want to change the nations? It starts by listening.

By: Heather Fraze , Rostrevor, Northern Ireland

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