
Joshua Gooding
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Joshua and Stasia serve in Israel raising prayer from Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth.

Over the past six years, we have focused our ministry on developing a network of intercessory worshippers from across the nation. This network is being developed to mobilize the Body of Christ world-wide to cry out to the Lord in prayer for an outpouring of His Spirit upon our families, our communities, and our Nations and to take their stand as watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem according to Isaiah 62

From our base in the Nation of Israel and in the city of Jerusalem, we stand as a bridge connecting the Nations directly with Israel. Giving timely prayer points, strategic prayer directions, and Biblical insights as to why we should pray for Israel.

Within the Holyland we support those who are ministering here, as they give their hearts and lives for the establishment of the Kingdom of God amongst the Jewish and Arab people.
We also help encourage and facilitate the House of Prayer Movement in Israel. By organizing times of fellowship and worship and prayer meetings throughout the Nation. We also network with the Body of Christ in the Land of Israel to participate and organize times of prayer and worship.


Joshua Gooding


 “Preparing the way for the Lord from Israel to the Nations and from the Nations back to Jerusalem. Making known his deeds among the peoples.”