
Julie Kelley
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Marco Cordova and Julie Kelley characterize being educators that love what they do. They are passionate about education and firmly believe that Education is the solution to many problems in this society, especially when the foundation of education is built with biblical principles.

In their journey as Christian teachers, God has been faithful! God brought Julie to Ecuador in 2013 as a missionary where she met her future husband, Marco. They were married in 2016. God gave them both the same dreams and vision, which is to educate students who don’t have the same opportunities as others. They believe that the students can be the change that our society needs by showing God’s love and being faithful in God’s calling on their life. In july 2021 God called them to move to Colombia to serve him here in Medellín and now He is calling them to the nations. 

Marco was saved when he was 17 years old. God has freed him from a life of drugs and alcohol. In return, Marco helps other youth make wise choices.  Julie was saved when she was 6 years old, growing in Christianity as her parents had taught her.

Marco has obtained his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Physics and then his Master’s degree in Education. Marco has 13 years teaching experience in many different roles and 7 years leading bilingual k12 schools. Julie has her bachelor’s degree in Communication, professional teaching license and 19 years teaching experience and 7 years leading bilingual k12 schools. She is currently in her Master’s program for Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

They are both passionate in serving the Lord in Education. They truly believe Education is the key for our students’ tomorrow and that God´s desire is that every christian school can become an example of excelence and educational trasnformation.

Julie Kelley

Our mission is to connect education and the principals of God´s kingdom using the talents that God has given us. We have been able to spread the Gospel through virtual and in- person educational programs like: Vacation Bible School, English Language Classes and Teacher Training. We also have been helping Christian Schools to improve and become the best schools in the cities that they are located.Â