
Danny and Stephanie Gutierrez January Update

by | Jan 20, 2014 | Missions Articles

2014 Starts With a Bang!
There is so much to share that it is hard to know where to begin. This new year has come in like a wave and we’re so thankful for so all the opportunities God has already given us to share his unending grace here in Lima. I (Danny) have been invited to join the teaching team of pastors at the church where we serve, Camino de Vida, and have already had several opportunities to share at the weekend services. If you know me well, then you know that being able to preach and teach the Gospel is one of my favorite things on earth, and I’m having more fun than I can say getting to share with my incredible new church family. This past month Stephanie brought the clippers on our family trip to see our friends at Casa Hogar Padre Martihno, the orphanage for special needs children that we’ve partnered with. Being that it is summer here and it gets hot, there is nothing like getting a trim to cool down, especially from a person who makes it so much fun. We are looking forward to the teams we have booked to come down this year to help us engage with the orphanage. It is such a wonderful place to pour out God’s love.

The 7 week full-time summer internship for youth began this past week with 75 students who are devoting their summer to being plugged in at church through serving, classes, and fun. I am so excited to be teaching a Friday morning class on my favorite subject – Jesus. The first class was an absolute blast as we let Scripture unveil Jesus in a powerful way.This month our church has an incredible conference planned for women. Stephanie has been having a blast helping, in particular with forming and launching the social media platform for “Casa Gracia”, a joint ministry of Camino de Vida and Hillsong Church that ministers to women with eating disorders and other addictions.

We’ve been able to complete installing the roof over the mission house patio where mission teams now can enjoy their breakfast and meals without getting sunburned. Prior to the patio being used for meals, teams were spreading out all over the main house and sitting on the floor where they could find space. Now we’ll be able to enjoy meals all together in this great space that is now available.

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