
About Cat

Cat grew up in SoCal, and as a teenager had a few transformational encounters with Jesus. She surrendered her whole life to follow Him, and at the age of 18 moved overseas as a full-time missionary. In 2019 God called her to move to a one-square mile college town known for it's party scene, located right on the beach in Isla Vista, CA. For the next 3 years she would be part of the missional movement "Jesus Burgers" which focused on loving and serving college students through acts of kindness. From passing out 200-250 hamburgers to partiers every Friday night, to building relationships with students in her living room, to going party hopping to share the gospel and pray for people- she saw lives touched and transformed by the love of Jesus. She was able to pour into young women who were currently in the party scene/coming out of that lifestyle, and developed a deep passion for discipleship.

Currently: Circuit Riders and Brave Love Women

Circuit Riders is a grassroots movement & missional community focused on saving the lost, reviving the saved and training them all. CR is dedicated to presenting Jesus personally to this generation, to mobilizing as many as possible to help in this task, and to the equipping of believers. My specific focus here at Circuit Riders is the movement "Brave Love Women". Brave Love Women are a network of solution driven women who work together to create longterm solutions to “needs” around the World. We believe that women are the catalyst for global solutions. We want to see an entire generation of women rise to their God given assignment to shape history. Women must call other women to be the messengers they were always intended to be! As our voices arise and we declare simple gospel truths, the culture of women will shift, and our sisters will be awakened to their deep significance and purpose in God. We want to release such courage in women, such faith and expectancy, that they will know nothing is impossible for their God. The same great need for healing and salvation covers the world today! He is asking us to be bold, to train others, and not relent until we see His return.

Current Updates:

In July 2022 I ended my time living at the Jesus Burgers house to move to Huntington Beach, CA and transition into Circuit Riders. I am so excited to be running with the Europe team and spending many months out of the year in European nations!  A couple of years ago God heavily started speaking to me about Europe, and my heart is burning to see Europe saved, revived, and on fire for Jesus!  

Carry the Love Tour:

Every spring I leave on a carry the love tour across Europe! Earlier this year I went to Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia. On tour I travel across Europe evangelizing, reviving the body of Christ, and equipping young people with the gospel! The Circuit Rider "Carry the Love" tour model revolves around working with students to do collaborative campaigns on their campus, which include: large gatherings, evangelism training & outreach, a unified worship night open to the whole campus, men’s and women’s bible studies, etc. We have detailed strategies for relationally connecting everyone who makes a decision to follow Jesus with the communities that we collaborate with on campuses, so that no one is left orphaned! We want to see believers discipled, trained, and activated in their calling + giftings to reach the lost on campuses, and to bridge the gap between unsaved students and the Christian communities.


of my monthly support goal has been raised


How You Can Help: Join My Family Of Investors!!

I am building a team investors to raise a goal amount of $2,000 per month for living expenses and travel costs. I actively need 17 more supporters at $100/mo. to meet my monthly support goal! The work I do as a missionary is full-time volunteer, and this money goes towards travel costs of tours + gospel exploits and living expenses. Would you consider investing in the furthering of the gospel through supporting me as a full-time missionary? By joining my family of investors you will receive a monthly email newsletter with powerful testimonies of how the Lord is moving!

Each gift is tax-deductible:)

What amount would you like to invest monthly? (Scroll down to donate or press the donate button at the top)

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3319 Vivienda Circle

Carlsbad, CA 92009

Contact me anytime!

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