
Paul Bolding
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Romans 12:2 The Holy Spirit creates space for truth to be accessible, received and applied. We connect with individuals so they can become free from anything that keeps them from being who God created them to be.

Bold Truth Ministries:

Walk with men & women in their everyday lives. (James 1:22)

Speak truth boldly, helping others find their voice. (Proverbs 31:8-9)

Connect people with God (Word & Spirit), themselves (freedom from bondage), and others (reconciliation with spouse, family, community). (Galatians 5:13-14)

Guide individuals & couples. (2 Corinthians 5:19)Living boldly the truth to glorify God is our obedience to Christ. Creating an environment for others to do the same is our call.

Over the past few years God began speaking to us about our ministry of reconciliation & transformation.  We meet well-intended people studying the Word of God, seeking knowledge, attempting to serve God, but not being transformed, leaving them in bondage.

We know God’s love, His Word, heals, convicts and transforms. So, what’s the problem? The problem is knowledge of God without knowing God. We must receive His love to be obedient to it.

It takes Bold Truth to break the “doing it the same way cycle” and live a transformed life.

It’s never too late for transformation. We can help.

James 1:22 says, “Put the word into action.  If you think hearing is what matters most, you are going to find you have been deceived.”  As I look back over my life and see the work of the Holy Spirit guiding, I come into the present truth that it is He that must lead, not me. He must be the leader of my doing. He must be my present help in time of need for me and others. His calling demands my obedience. So I go boldy!


Paul Bolding