
From My Heart to Yours – Elias Reyes

by | Dec 8, 2010 | Missions Articles

Merry Christmas from Israel!  It’s truly a wonderful time of the year when our hearts are compelled to celebrateelias_pic the birth of our Messiah, Jesus Christ.  His coming to earth was the ultimate gift of love.  And even though our gifts to one another are on a smaller scale, it’s a privilege and joy to share in this season of giving.

This month, I want to bring your attention two important projects that are in critical need of financial support within the next two weeks.  One is a heartwarming story of toys for children in the Ukraine, but the other is the story of a ministry devastated by a typhoon.

Project: Deck the Halls

Modern Day is partnering with People That Care International (PTC) to share the generous love of God with children in the Ukraine.  More than $2,000,000 in toys was given to the PTC last month for distribution around the country and even to ministry partners around the world.   

all-toysThese wonderful toys are action figures of our most celebrated Bible heroes – David, Daniel, Esther, Moses, Jesus and more.   And along with being just plain fun to play with, they are excellent tools to teach children Bible stories and truths.  

As a result of this incredible generosity, we are right now prepared to ship more than 3,000 toys to children in the Ukraine but must raise funds to cover the shipping cost.  The total needed is $6,000 which will cover all costs for packing and shipping the toys from Grand Prairie, TX to the Ukraine.  Once in country Valentin Sviontek, PTC Ukraine and messianic congregations throughout the country will aid in the toy distribution to children who will joyfully appreciate your generosity.   

Please give a gift that will bring joy to a child’s heart this Christmas…







It will only take about 30 seconds to give a gift that will impact the heart of a child.  AND…your small gift will truly have a large impact.

Project: Philippines Typhoon

In mid-October, a devastating typhoon hit the Philippines and destroyed homes, churches and the livelihood of Monie and Marianne Chiong’s ministry.  Typhoon Megi was a ‘super typhoon’ with heavy rain and winds up to 162 miles/hour.  trainingcenter

The impact on the ministry has been huge.  The homes of ten families in their Christian community were destroyed.  And, even more devastating, the coconut trees and other food sources that provide income for the ministry were severely damaged.

Not only has this proved a hardship to the ministry’s finances but it’s also been emotionally hard as they’ve assessed the damage and begun the task of rebuilding.  I know the Chiongs trust the Lord to provide all that they need, but they’ve also expressed how overwhelmed they are by the money that needs to be raised.

So we’re coming to you asking for help…

Even though the typhoon was more than a month ago, the rebuilding efforts are just now beginning.  There are three areas of greatest need for this rebuilding project:

Livelihood Projects for 20 villages – $3,000
Replant trees and food sources. 

Food for 60 families for 2 months – $5,000
Given in exchange for labor for rebuilding and replanting.
Rebuilding destroyed homes – $15,000
For 10 families in the Christian community that lost everything.

Total: $23,000

A generous donor has provided a matching grant to the first $5,000 that’s designated to the Philippines rebuilding effort.  Their hope is that other donors will be motivated to give because their gift will have double-impact.

Please prayerfully consider joining us in prayer and financial support to rebuild this vital ministry.






I’m sharing with you these giving opportunities because I know that Modern Day has some of the most caring and generous donors.  Your compassion for those who desperately need to experience the love of our Father and generosity to the ministries that are the hands and feet of Jesus are resulting in lives transformed by the power of Jesus. 

Thank you for allowing me to share my heart with you. 

Your brother in the faith,


P.S. My sincere hope is that you will remember the Modern Day missionaries during this season and prayerfully consider adding them to your holiday gift list.  Even the smallest donation adds up to make a significant impact in the work of each ministry.  Thank you in advance for your prayers and support for Modern Day and the ministries we represent.


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