
Modern Day Welcomes its New Director Jesse Heikkila

by | Dec 14, 2009 | Missions Articles

Jesse Heikkila is joining the Modern Day staff as Regional Director. As Director, Jesse will be involved with recruiting new missionaries, field worker relations and donor development. It is his desire to help facilitate the call to missions that God is placing on people’s hearts and to help them fulfill the Great Commission.
Jesse is a graduate of Hampton Masters Commission and Bethel Bible institute in Hampton, VA. He and his wife Janae have served as youth and college pastors and are currently based in Austin, Texas. Jesse and Janae have three boys, Elijah, Ezekiel and their newest addition, Ezra. He and his family feel so blessed to be a part of what Modern Day Missions is all about and know that God has called them and equipped them to serve.
Jesse is continually in awe of all that God is doing around the world through His people. The sacrifice they make to take His love to the nations is so inspiring and he is honored to have the opportunity to work with so many amazing people.

If you would like to make a financial contribution to Jesse Heikkila, please click here.

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