
Modern Day Welcomes Matt Taylor – Brazil

by | Sep 30, 2010 | Missions Articles

Matt Taylor is a graduate of Global School of Supernatural Ministry in Pennsylvania. While attending GSSM, Matt developed a relationship with Nic and Rachael Billman and the Shores of Grace team and soon after, God began to change his heart. After hearing stories and seeing pictures of ministry life in Brazil, his heart began to break even more and he knew that he had to do something.

Matt’s life experience of growing up fatherless made his heart go out to the kids in the favelas who have never known their own fathers. He will be joining the Shores of Grace team in Brazil and plans on using his passion for sports to be able to reach the kids whether it will be setting up favelas sports leagues, teaching the kids to play or just being with the kids. Matt loves using sports as a ministry tool because it transcends culture and language. It wasn’t until recently he realized a prophetic word spoken over him was coming to pass. One year ago, Titus Lee prophesied that Matt would develop a sports ministry that would be used to minister to kids. This prophecy is starting to come to pass and Matt is so excited for this opportunity.

If you would like to make a financial contribution to Matt Taylor, please click here.

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