
Modern Day Welcomes Pablo Bellota – Peru

by | Feb 28, 2011 | Missions Articles

As one of the directors for Champions for Christ International, Pablo has been serving his home nation in the name of Jesus Christ. Each year, using sports as an outreach method, Champions for Christ International enters into national schools, universities, prisons, and sponsored district events to share the Gospel. Having accepted Jesus Christ himself during a sports outreach, Pablo knows first hand how effective sports outreach can be, when the goal is making disciples. After years of playing and coaching basketball at all different levels, it has become clear to Pablo that Peruvians “worship” sports. Generally speaking, Peruvian athletes and spectators alike discipline themselves for the field; however, they do not discipline themselves in spiritual, physical, or mental things. His hope is to see Peruvians desire Jesus more than any other thing in their lives. In Christ, he has faith that it will happen!

If you would like to make a financial contribution to Pablo Bellota, please click here.

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