
Modern Day Welcomes Peru Tour – Peru

by | Apr 14, 2010 | Missions Articles

The goal of the Peru Tour is to go to Peru and help support the evangelistic efforts of local pastors. During this year’s trip, they will mainly be working with Pastor Pepe Selem. This is the Peru Tour’s 3rd trip to Peru and each year it has been amazing to see how God has worked in the lives of the people they serve and support as well as the lives of the players who go. On this tour the team will play games and host clinics at all levels; children, high school, university, and professional levels. During these events, will be shared many of the player’s personal testimonies of how Christ has radically changed their lives along with the message of salvation. This is a unique outreach opportunity because the Truth is proclaimed to those who would not normally come to hear it within the four walls of the church.

If you would like to make a financial contribution to the Peru Tour, please click here.

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