
Modern Day Welcomes Rebecca Corbitt – Brazil

by | Sep 15, 2010 | Missions Articles

Rebecca is moving to Brazil in January, 2011 where she’ll be joining the Shores of Grace team led by Nic and Rachael Billman. Her passion and caring heart is to see young women come to know and experience the love of Christ. She understands there are many girls who look for love in the wrong places, so she desires to reach out to them with God’s perfect love. Upon arrival in Brazil, along with the Shores of Grace team, she will begin ministering to prostitutes on the streets of Curitiba. In the beginning, they’ll work on building friendships with the young women, introduce them to Christ and then move towards helping them get free from prostitution.

Rebecca has known for a long time that the Lord would send her out to the nations, but until this past year, she didn’t know where. After visiting Brazil, there was a stirring in her heart for that nation.  After praying and talking with Nic and Rachael Billman, she knew without a doubt that God was calling her to team up with the Billmans in Brazil.

Rebecca has worked in administrative work with Global Awakening in the IMT department (International Ministry Trips). As both a servant and a leader, she is currently using her leadership skills by organizing the plan to move some of the team down to Brazil in January, 2011. To read more about Rebecca and the Brazil team visit the Shores of Grace website HERE.

If you would like to make a financial contribution to Rebecca Corbitt, please click here.

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