
Modern Day welcomes the Gutierrez family!

by | May 3, 2013 | Missions Articles

The Gutierrez Family serves together in Lima, Peru where they planted a new church in the district of Surco in May of 2012. They are the campus pastors for Vida en Surco and reach out to their city through work done at a local orphanage for abandoned children with severe disabilities. As church planters, their heart is the local church and reaching their city with the message of grace, the hope of the Gospel. They also host missions teams that partner with local NGO’s and ministries to serve in the areas of poverty alleviation and orphan care. Danny is also part of a fraternal group of missionaries and local NGO directors who learn together, encourage and serve one another as they continue to pursue the call of God.
For more information on our ministry, check out our website at

If you would like to make a one-time or recurring donation to the Gutierrez family, click here.

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