

by | Feb 15, 2010 | Missions Articles

This past week I had the opportunity to attend and set up an exhibit booth at the annual Masters Commission conference in Dallas.  It was also Masters Commission’s 25th year anniversary which made it a little extra special.  It was so great to be surrounded by hundreds of young people who were in the middle of a years worth of pursuing more of God in their lives.  There was so much life and so much excitement in the air.   I got to talk to students from all over the world and heard about some of the dreams they have for taking the gospel to the nations.

If you are not familiar with what Masters Commission is, here is a brief overview.  Masters Commission is a nine or ten month discipleship program where young people will leave “life as usual” and fully pursue God and the destiny he has for them.  Students direct their full attention to things like memorizing scripture, ministering in youth groups and churches and discipleship.  It’s a life changing experience and usually launches these students into their life long calling.

So many of the students I spoke with had a passion for missions and a desire to be used by God in another nation.  It was so inspiring to hear their stories and it was a reminder for me that God is continuing what He started.  He is continuing to call people to every tongue and every tribe.  His heart still hurts for the lost and he is calling out “Who will go for me?  Who shall I send?”  This conference gave me an opportunity to meet people who are answering that call.  I believe that we will continue to see more people answering this call than ever before.  We live in an exciting time.  Despite the state of the economy, more money will be given to missions.  Despite talks of fear and worry, the church of Jesus Christ will continue to advance triumphantly.  Now is the day of salvation!

Jesse Heikkila

Modern Day Director

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