
Aliyah Golod
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Hey my name is Aliyah!
My journey with the Lord started a little over 3 years ago. After tasting all the “desirable” things of this world, it still didn’t satisfy me, my heart longed for more. A friend of mine led me into the prayer of salvation, and I encountered the Father. Ever since then, I was never the same and have been proclaiming the love of Jesus that I encountered so deeply that day. One day I came across the verse Isaiah 6:8 for the first time and it became engraved on my heart. For the next 9 months I read that verse almost every single day.
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” This became the verse that I lived by, whether it was through evangelism in my home town or in the nations. During those 9 months, there was a groaning inside of me to reach the lost. I began to pray everyday for the Lord to send me wherever He called me to. I felt such a burden to preach the gospel and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. That’s how I knew that no matter what I did, where I went next, I would lay my life down for the gospel.

I burn to see the power of the gospel to save and transform lives, just like it did mine. Mark 16:15 writes, “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”. I felt the Lord calling me be a missionary, I felt as if it was placed in my dna to do so. Every verse I read in the bible felt like an alarm to be the change in my generation. It was as if I put missionary goggles on and I could not see the world as anything other than a mission field.

I am currently living as a missionary in the states, I have a burning in my heart to see America saved and transformed. I am excited for my current assignment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I believe the harvest is ready here and this city will be transformed in Jesus name! It would be such an honor for your partnership, support, and intercession as we together, will reach nations and generations <3