
Alyssa Drogan
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Hi! As a recent graduate of Appalachian State University, God opened my eyes to see the harvest on this campus. After participating in weekly evangelism and prayer with Ignite Movement on Appalachian’s campus during my last semester in school, I felt the Lord calling me to continue sowing seeds into this campus here in Boone, NC. It has been so beautiful to witness the Lord’s hand in my life as I surrender my dreams and desires to His will. He has blessed me with the opportunity to do this as Ignite Movement’s campus intern for this school year. My heart’s desire is to witness this college campus be transformed by the reality of the gospel. I am confident God will use me to do this through women’s discipleship, evangelism, weekly gatherings, bible studies, and being boldly unashamed of the gospel.

This year I will be serving alongside the campus director on Appalachian’s campus. As I learn, grow, and receive practical experience and training in collegiate ministry, I am expectant to see a vibrant Christian community on this campus.

Why college campuses?

Only 4% of Gen Z has a biblical worldview & only 44% of Gen Z claims to be Christian. The average college campus is only about 5% reached for the Gospel. Around 70% of students who enter college “in the faith”, will leave college apart from Jesus. I have seen the lost sheep on this campus who desperately need to find their shepherd. Jesus is the ONLY way to seek and save the lost. My heart’s desire is to be a vessel and a messenger to bring the good news, love and the truth to those who have not seen or heard.

The call to reach college campuses is not possible without generous support and prayer. I would love to invite you into a partnership with me, to go on mission to serve this college campus. My goal is to raise $800 monthly to support salary and missions. 

Thank you for joining me as we sow into the harvest on Appalachian State University’s campus and witness the power of the Lord moving in student’s lives.

Please join me in prayer as we tend to the harvest. “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”- Matthew 9:37-38