
Arlene Thienpont
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My name is Arlene Thienpont, born and raised in South Africa and am on a mission for Asian Christian Education as well as reaching out to children with learning disabilities and teaching them about the love of God and helping them to reach their full potential.
I have a great opportunity to use my experience, skills, and love for God to impact Thailand, Burma, Laos, South China, and other cultures (some of the least evangelized people in the world), by teaching in the CRICS classroom in Chiang Rai, Thailand. However, my teaching goes much broader
than our classroom at CRICS. Missionary families can continue in their
service in Asia because we are able to support them by educating their children.
As an extension of the classroom, I serve the Burmese refugees in Thailand by teaching their children on weekends, enriching them with as much possible academic and spiritual knowledge.

Currently, I also have a project in Pakistan, Faisalabad, with the bricklaying families. The children work with their parents and have absolutely no education opportunity. They don’t go to any school and we need a proper place to start the school. We have 52 children in need at the moment.

I have a passion and natural bond with children being a teacher and psychological counselor. I’ve asked God to make way for me in missions, to spread the gospel and God’s unconditional love, especially to children. And here I am, taking the leap of faith, trusting God!

Currently, I am pursuing my MSc in Psychology and Learning Disability degree through the University of Portsmouth in England. I humbly need your support and God’s favor to continue to walk in this journey I was called to and to work for children’s higher good. I wish to impact my students with knowledge, wisdom, and love for the benefit of Christ’s Kingdom.
“The will of God – nothing less, nothing more, nothing else.” – F.E. Marsh

Mission trips are a wonderful way to put your faith into practice, learn to serve others, and love like Jesus. For many mission trip participants, the simple act of saying ‘yes’ and getting out of your comfort zone is the first step in a deeper trust in God and a willingness to step into the unfamiliar to love others well, without the security of a salary.

“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.” — Henry Martyn