
Brittany Goldschmidt
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Hi friends! Currently, I’m moving from Florida to Dallas, Texas to answer the call of God on my life for Israel, the Middle East, and Africa! I’ll be serving under Gateway Church and The King’s University for two years. In 2020 God gave me a dream and in this dream I saw myself asleep and Jesus stood at my door. He knocked three times and said “Are you willing?” then I saw a sea of dead people and I was running through the crowd and screamed, “JESUSSSSS!!!!” and they all came back to life! When I woke up the Holy Spirit said “Ezekiel 33” – Watchmen of the House of Israel! And Prophesy over the dry bones, the house of Israel in “Ezekiel 37”. I knew I was called to the unreached, but I didn’t know how I would get there… I was being discipled by missionaries from South Africa in my local church in Boca Raton, Florida who led a prayer ministry that awakened me to the unreached places of the world.

From the moment I surrendered my life fully to God, I was called by God to go to the mission field to reap the end time harvest before Jesus’ return, so I left my dream job in corporate America at Wells Fargo Private Bank in Palm Beach, Florida! In 2022, I was trained by Christ For All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp by Evangelist Levi Lutz and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Through your support, I’ve traveled to Ghana, Kenya, and Israel for the sake of His Name and saw hundreds of thousands of people and families’ lives transformed by Jesus, all glory to the Lord! One of the most exciting times is when I saw Muslim and Jewish communities transformed by GOING, so thank you for sending me and being faithful to support me. On October 7, 2023 the Lord spoke to me two days before the war that a war was coming to Israel. Two days later it occurred… I had this dire urge and strong pull again to GO to Israel, where most people were trying to get out of there, I was drawn to His People and His People became My People. I felt like it still wasn’t time yet, so I stayed and waited upon the Lord and continued to disciple 20 women in my home and build the house of prayer at Christ For All Nations and Nations Church.

In November 2023, one month after the war broke out, I had another dream. I was in a neighborhood and in this neighborhood on all the houses were the Israeli flags. I was drawn to talk to these people. A man approached me and was speaking in Hebrew and I was speaking in Hebrew back. I went upstairs with this young girl — she gave me a vintage key to an office. I felt like it was my office, I went into the office and the door was very vintage looking. That same day I got to share the gospel with 2 Israeli Jews in Israel over zoom! My heart also burns for the Church to wake up to pray and comfort Israel. God first gave me a heart for the Arab Muslim community before He ever gave me a heart for my own Jewish people so I want to be a vessel to see peace in the Middle East. This supernatural oneness is referenced in Ephesians 2:11-22. This is Jesus’ heart for His Bride – the one new man in Christ Jesus between Jew and Arabs in Christ Jesus. I will serve as a bridge between the two groups and bring unity. I also burn to disciple the women in the Church of this mystery of the gospel (Ephesians 3:10). He is calling me like Moses to deliver His people out of the affliction and slavery of the war. (Exodus 3 and 4).