
Cory Gali
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Our calling:

“To love those who were never loved.”

This was how God called me to my mission. At the time, I was enrolled in the Discipleship Training School at Youth With A Mission(YWAM) Samoa. However, I had a clear understanding of what God was asking of me.

I was born and raised in a missionary family in Recife, Brazil. In YWAM Recife, there is a ministry called Hope House, dedicated to providing care for boys aged 5-16 who are living on the streets or come from broken homes. I felt a strong calling from God to return to my homeland and serve in this particular area of need.

After just one year of serving in this ministry, God blessed me with the first of two incredible gifts that would come through my work—the beautiful Isabel. Isabel, too, had felt a calling to mission from a young age, and, luckily for me, she arrived in my hometown. Two years later, we were married and wholeheartedly devoted to serving God at the Hope House ministry in Brazil.

Through our work at Hope House, we would later meet four brothers: Ryan, Renato, and Rayane, who are triplets, and Ruan, the oldest. These four remarkable children would later become our children, marking the second time that God had shown His extraordinary blessings through our mission.

Where are we today?

Although we originally had our hearts set on serving in Brazil, where we grew up, God had different ideas, and that’s how we ended up taking the next step, landing in YWAM Tyler, Texas. Here, we’re serving at Christian Heritage School, a place that’s all about the YWAM principle of “To know God and make Him known.” Our goal is to bring some light to this community through education.

In addition to our work here, we make plans for annual mission trips to Brazil and other countries, following wherever God leads us.