
Crystian Aguilar
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BENDICIONES! I want to thank you for taking the time to read my bio and to hear of what the Lord is doing in my life! My name is Crystian Aguilar, and I am 29 years old. I currently live in Colorado, but my heart is in the nations of the world! 

The Lord began to stir my heart for evangelism when I first received the Lord in juvie back in 2011. I was encountered by the Lord in my jail cell one night. I had been inundated by the weight of my sin, I was depressed, suicidal, was addicted to drugs, alcohol and living a lifestyle of homosexuality, I was so bitter and angry. It was at this time in my life that I was first sober in years and realized what had become of my life. I was so hopeless, and I remember crying out to the Lord for mercy and in my jail cell I encountered the love and presence of the Lord.  I then began to tell all my jail mates that God was real and that He also wanted to pour out His love to them. Little did I know I was evangelizing to them, and I had the privilege to lead a murderer to Salvation. This was when I realized that there is so much to this life than drugs, alcohol, and our own agendas, I realized that this was true life; to make Jesus known and to bring people to His feet.

In May of 2020 I received a dream from the Lord where in the dream I was in the front right of a Church and a microphone came down from heaven and as I grabbed this mic, I began to worship then I looked back to the congregation I began to preach. Then I look over to a woman and handed her the microphone, once I did that I was suddenly outside of a red barn with fields of wheat all on the right side and the left and in front of me there were so many people who were dirty with rugged clothes who looked lost in the world, and someone came to me and handed me a microphone and told me to preach. In my dream I felt unprepared, and I told the person “I am not ready” but I heard the Lord say: “Preach, preach on my grace” Ever since this dream there has been a shift in my life, and I believe that the Lord is calling me outside of the four walls and is calling me to the harvest. To prepare the way of the Lord to preach the gospel to the lost, to go wherever He sends me. In this season I have been hearing the Lord say: “Go! Prepare the Way, Go!”

Recently, I was given the opportunity to be trained under evangelists through Christ for All Nations at the Firecamp. While at Firecamp I was trained in preaching the full gospel in different scenarios with my testimony and different parables. I also learned some tools to do 1 on 1 evangelism and my favorite, I learned how to open-air preach.  Since then, my life has drastically changed. There was such an equipping to reach the lost that I cannot contain, there is this burden in me, I have seen so many people come to the Lord recently and I have this longing in me to reach the lost like never before.


I also feel lead to have help raise up other evangelists in this hour to equip them to preach the gospel with its fullness in love. My heart is to multiply what the Lord has done in me and raise healthy leaders who know who they are in the Lord as sons and daughters of the Most High King. The Lord has already opened opportunities to disciple young men and women in this hour and I know that this will only grow.

Below are trips that are set and scheduled for this year of 2023 with a few other dates and locations TBD.


Upcoming Trips:

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Dates: February 17th-March 10th, 2023

Mission: For this time of ministry please reach out to me personally for more information.


Mexico Healing Crusade- Veracruz, Mexico

Dates: March 13th-21st 2023

Mission: For this trip I will be translating for the pastor conducting this crusade. This will be a healing crusade where we will preach the gospel and focus on the healing ministry of Jesus. We will preach at an auditorium for three days and will also preach at a local church that Sunday.


Pakistan Crusade and Leadership Conference- Karachi & Hyderabad, Pakistan

Dates: May 1st-10th 2023

Mission: While in Pakistan, I will have the opportunity to lead a gospel crusade and will preach the gospel to the world’s second largest Muslim city. While here i will also be leading a leadership training for pastors, evangelists, and leaders which will be focused on ministry leadership and the word. While here, I will also have the opportunity to do some village outreaches where we will minister in villages that have never heard the gospel.


2nd Trip to Ecuador- Guayaquil, Ecuador

Dates: Exact dates unknown but will be 3 weeks in July

Mission: For this time of ministry please reach out to me personally for more information.



I am amazed at the Lord’s faithfulness and how he has been opening doors for me to minister in the nations. It has been challenging and definitely faith building, but I know that He is telling me to trust him in providing all the funds and resources to go and make disciples. With the mission work that I have planned for this year I will be on full time missions for most of the year.


I ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter of $100, $50, or $25 or giving a one-time gift of any amount.


Thank you so much for sowing into my life, the ministry, and the souls of new believers, none of this ministry would be possible without your support and prayers. May the Lord bless you 100-fold in Jesus Name!

Crystian Aguilar