
Danny Hunter
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HI, I’m Danny! I’m launching a new organization that serves missions organizations and missionally engaged churches. After getting a PhD and doing some teaching and consulting work, I felt a strong calling to create a platform that bridges the academic and everyday worlds of mission. MissioLogic does bespoke research and project consulting, to find answers to the questions missionaries are asking. You can check it out at

MissioLogic does research for agencies and churches and doesn’t charge for its services (except for some expenses, if it’s a really big project). We don’t think cost should be a barrier for people asking questions about how to best participate with God in his mission. But that means we need your help. Every dollar you donate will help fund a research project that serves the Great Commission Community. For every $15,000 raised, I can do a major research project (or three smaller ones). Anything you can give would go a long way to making quality research affordable for people engaged in mission. Together we can reset the relationship between missiology and mission organizations.

Danny Hunter

If you want some specifics on how everything works go to