
Dinci Debbie Lannap
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Fusing together faith + creativity to impact individuals, communities, and the worlds with God’s Kingdom

I am a communicator, thinker, sister, creative, auntie, educator, YWAMer, friend, teacher, listener, facilitator, strategist, question asker, outgoing introvert and Jesus follower.

My work with YWAM Burtigny and the University of the Nations is a response to God’s call to disciple the nations, one person at a time. Through communication, training, one on one coaching, and discipleship, I help individuals and groups discover how the combination of their God-given identity, gifts, skills, passion and vision can be activated as a catalyst for change in the world. When I am not engaged in those, you will find me reading, listening, creating beautiful gastronomic experiences to facilitate fellowship around the table.