
Emily Froehlich
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The first time I was burdened with a heart to reach the nations was in 2019 while I was in the Middle East. I was sitting in prayer when God showed me His desire for wanting to reach unreached people at the Olympic Games! I sensed God was searching for athletes who would be willing to surrender their own glory on the podium and instead point all the glory to Him. That’s the day I gave God my yes. I committed to being one of these athletes who would stand and point to Him.
My journey as a missionary has looked nothing of the “traditional” sense up to this point. I trained in northern Vermont for 2 years until this past summer when I was named to Team USA. I raced and brought home a Silver medal in the Women’s 8 at the 2023 World Championships, helped qualify the boat class for the 2024 Olympics, and moved to the Olympic training center to begin the selection process for the 2024 Games. The soil among this team has been tough and the seasons have often felt lonely. But no matter where God has me training or competing, He has and will continue to be glorified. God has graciously allowed me to plant seeds, water seeds, and witness first hand women giving their hearts to Christ! And much to my own surprise I myself have changed and grown spiritually more than I ever expected…and we’re not finished yet!
Join me in reaching the nations through the Olympics. And join me in seeing Jesus be glorified!