
Emily Abbatacola
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Emily Abbatacola is a writer with a BA in Public Relations and Journalism. Her heart for the nations and the Church led her to use writing/speaking on the mission field.

“After seeing a lack of unity, truth, and full surrender to His Lordship within the Church, God showed me that we cannot care about the lost if we don’t care about how we are reaching them. My eyes were open to a broken body that aches His heart.

In praying about how I could partner with what He’s doing to unify His Church, He opened doors for me to start a ministry seeking to see the Church return to His original design. The vision of the website is to unify the Church by building a global prayer army — intercessors in the Church who would join together in prayer for the things He’s doing around the world. So while He leads me to different nations, He allows me to write about what He’s doing around the world, communicate what He is teaching me, and build up a prayer army for the things on His heart.

After open doors to serve and write in America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania, the Lord led me to commit to full-time missions through YWAM. I am currently on staff with YWAM as a long-term missionary. Some of my roles include discipling the next generation of the Church, training and equipping for cross-cultural missions, teaching the Word of the Lord, writing and speaking, on-campus women’s ministry, and leading teams to the nations.

If you’d like to hear about how to pray for what the Holy Spirit is doing around the world, you can visit my website and join the global prayer army!

I am currently working to raise a support team to cover living and ministry expenses. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in this mission?”