
Joshua Hager
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I’m a lover of Jesus Christ and believe that through the Cross GOD can change the heart and lives of all those who are bound in sin and weighed down by the burdens of this world. In 2019 almost a year after leaving the Army I encountered the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and GOD changed my life. I was instantaneously delivered from PTSD, shame, and guilt, and was set free! I was in a car accident the day the Lord touched my heart and should have been badly injured, yet I walked away from it with not even a scratch or sore muscle. Before that, I had no clue who the Trinity was or ever look to them, but still, GOD never abandoned me and chased me down and I know that He is and will do the same for everyone in this world. Since that day my life has never been the same and once you call upon Jesus yours never will be as well.It’s through the burning love of Jesus through us we can spread Heaven on earth. The only way to do that is to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and savior to all Nations. The fire must spread and with GOD all things are possible.