
Ben Hansen
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Dear Friends…

We have recently felt a call to serve in an overseas, under-churched environment. This means packing up and moving to a strategic international city, learning language, studying culture, and engaging with the local people to share the love of Jesus in tangible ways. This is BIG but we feel compelled by the love of God and are excited about what lies ahead.

How can you be a part?

Glad you asked : )


There are two major ways to join in:

1. We have a huge goal of getting 100 people a day to pray for us, the city we’ll be in, and the people we’ll be serving. Would you be a part? If so, shoot us a note to let us know – we’d love to hear it.

2. We are seeking to raise a support network of financial donors to join us in the work. Whether it’s a little or a lot, monthly or a one time gift, we’d be incredibly grateful to have your support.

We love you and couldn’t do this important work if it weren’t for your love, prayer & support.

Thank you x1,000,000


-The Hansens