
Anthony and Jennifer Hellerstedt
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We are excited to share about what Christ has been doing in Cambodia! By serving in Phnom Penh, we help teach the Bible, teach parenting and marriage classes, teach English classes and mentor/disciple others, we are able to share the hope that we have, all the while getting to learn from the lovely people that we serve.
Cambodia is still recovering from a brutal genocide back in the 1970’s when the dictator Pol Pot took over, forming the Khmer Rouge. 1 to 3 million men, women and children were either killed or died of starvation and disease. The Khmer Rouge executed and drove off most educated people, including teachers, businesspeople, and religious leaders. This left a large gap in society with so many leaders now gone. Much of the population is younger, with very few living to old age. The gospel has re-emerged but has only affected about 2% of the population, with Buddhism being the predominant worldview. There is desperate need for speaking Biblical Truth into the lives of the people, who live in one of the poorest countries on earth, as they struggle to find hope and meaning.
Following our passion for the gospel and Jesus’ mission to reach the people of Southeast Asia, we have partnered with a small Christian college teaching Bible and theology. Our mission is two-fold: first, we are committed to reaching those without Christ and equipping them in order for them to become leaders in their families and communities; second, to see the local Khmer churches loving and serving one another in a healthy way based on biblical principles.
Over the past 6 years, our vision continues to be that of making strong, lasting relationships with colleagues, neighbors and those we directly serve, by becoming proficient in the culture and language to effectively communicate the good news of Christ. We are always looking for people to labor with us, to stay connected with what is happening, and to partner in sincere petitioning for the Cambodian people. We are also seeking out fellowships and individuals who are willing to give regularly to this service.
Anthony, Jenni, Evan, Isaac, Landen and Clara Hellerstedt