
Daniella Di Benedetto
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I want to start by telling you, that I’m obsessed with Jesus, and is no longer I who lives but Christ lives in me Gal 2:20
I’m a lover of Jesus, I want you to remember me on this, that woman is in love with the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything I do is to glorify the Father in heaven, completely surrender to him, and depend on him in everything through the Holy Spirit.
I just finished a CFAN Evangelism boot camp, it was full time dedication and I stopped working in my regular job as a personal trainer.
When I finished the boot camp, the Lord spoke to me to not come back to my regular job, he said that it was the time to go into full-time ministry, the harvest is ready! I believe it is time to have more full-time laborers, for the kingdom to come on earth.

The Lord will always provide for me, and my children, I know that right now he is working in the hearts of people, like you are reading this, to partner with me in the harvest, with prayers first and also financially, if you feel led by the Holy Spirit.

The Lord is giving me a deep sorrow for the souls that are perishing and also to bring revival to his church.
I’m coming to you with the Love of the Father sharing what the Lord is calling me to step in faith for!

*We go to the Strip Clubs and massage parlors in Orlando, to preach the gospel to the dancers.

Some of these women are slaves in sex trafficking, and for sure they are slaves to satan’s lies that they are not good enough to have another job and support their family.

62 Salvations in the last 3 months 

Follow-up and discipleship 

*Working as a volunteer with CfaN USA in crusades events (America Shall Be Saved) follow-up and recruiting volunteers for CfaN USA and Nations church evangelism team.

Outreaches twice a week, to reach the lost, preaching the Gospel door to door in the neighborhoods of Orlando.

Orlando shall be saved!!

*Block Party 

Block party is about serving the community with love and generosity.

What the Lord does through these events is so beautiful, it is all about representing Jesus with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the character of Jesus Christ.

We feed the community, lots of fun for the children, with music, with games and one thing that amazes me is how the Spirit of the Lord comes in Joy! 

We share the love of Jesus and the gospel is PREACHED to this condemned world, so they might be saved! John 3:17

At the last block party, we had 108 salvations and documented decisions for Christ. Follow-up and discipleship program.

Evangelizing downtown and everywhere sharing the Gospel of Jesus in love, repentance, and truth! 

Revival at the park

The Lord delivered this man from suicidal spirit that day! Halleluiah

Thank You Lord Jesus!

Every other Saturday Revival by the lake, a lot of ppl come to receive deliverance and healing in the name of Jesus, to worship the Lord in surrender, always the Lord does above and beyond!! Healing in the hearts, baptizing in the Holy Spirit, gift of tongues and so amazing and powerful testimonies to give glory to Jesus. 

After deliverance, I continued to ministry and discipleship my brothers and sisters, in a WhatsApp group, also we are evangelizing together, encouraging each other in prayers, in fellowship. 

We study the truth of the word, the Christ gospel, because what set you free is the truth. 

Disciples making disciples representing Jesus as Jesus’ ambassadors.

Also, one prayer in deliverance, being part of Isaiah Saldivar’s deliverance Map for almost 4 years, the Lord and his divine appointments brought to me sisters and brothers in Christ to pray for and today they are serving the kingdom on fire and in love with the Lord. Together we are glorifying the Lord in unity.

Destroying the kingdom of darkness in the name of Jesus and declaring the will of the Father, his kingdom comes, he will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you so much for your generous heart and your prayers!