
Fredy Javier
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We are Fredy and Dajana Javier. We met in Albania in November 2008, got married in El Salvador in July 2009. We have studied Pastoral Ministries, Theology and Missiology in the Central American Theological Seminary (SETECA) in Guatemala. Previous to that, Fredy had graduated and worked as an Architect in El Salvador. Our kids Xavi and Sharon were born in Guatemala in 2010 and 2012, respectively. We currently live in a city of around 90,000 people, considered the capital of Muslim world in North Macedonia. We are doing God’s work here since May 2013. Our city in North Macedonia is in a valley surrounded by mountains and hills, perfect for climbers and hikers. North Macedonia is a rich land with beautiful natural resources like rivers, lakes and mineral water fountains. Our family most fervent desire is to see the people of North Macedonia accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, experiencing total life transformation.


Among the activities that compose our ministry in North Macedonia are:
Seminars and Webinars for Professionals and Businessmen
Cultural Events for the Community
• Business as a Mission Ministry
• Music Classes: Guitar, Keyboard, Drums, Bass, Vocalization
• Concerts
• Camps for Children
English and Spanish Classes
Bible Teaching
International Cultural Nights
Worship Leading
Architectural Design for Missionaries’ Projects
Cleaning Campaigns
Community Development Projects
Ministry at University
One on one Evangelism


Mark 6:37-38 says:
But he answered, You give them something to eat.
They said to him, “That would take more than half a year’s wages!
Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?”
How many loaves do you have? he asked. Go and see.
When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.”

–Our ministry is like those five loaves of bread and the two fish.
We will do our part, and by doing this, God will do what He does best, THE IMPOSSIBLE.

We make disciples by:
1. Inviting our Muslim friends into our worship and Bible study services at homes.
2. Influencing and making a difference in our city through good deeds, letting them know that Jesus care for them.
3. Equipping the people of North Macedonia with special courses and training in a professional manner. (Developing in them a critical thinking)
4. Reaching out to the younger generation, which is a vigorous part of the city’s transformation.


Thank you so much!
We very much appreciate all your prayers, love and support for our family and ministry. We could not do it without God’s grace poured through you unto our lives. May God bless you abundantly beyond every imagination!
If you would be interested in contacting us to learn more about what we do, or just some friends to talk with, below you find our information:

Fredy Javier
+389 76437709 (WhatsApp, Signal)



**Please, consider supporting us recurrently (You may need to make a donor account).

If you would like to mail a check, please make it payable to Modern Day and mail it to:
Modern Day Missions
P.O. Box 535578
Grand Prairie, TX 75053, USA
**Please, include a note with our name on it: Fredy and Dajana Javier

Or you can use the donate botton below: