
Julia linchuk
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A bit about me…

My name is Julia. I was born in Ukraine but grew up in the States, as my family migrated there in the mid-90s. I came to know Christ at a very young age, and for as long as I can remember, my personal prayer has been “here I am Lord, send me”. Going on my very first international missions trip to Ukraine at 13 years old helped ignite that fire inside of me. As the years went on, I continued to serve and be faithful in the areas God had called me to.

At the beginning of 2022, I knew that I was stepping into a new season when God called me to quit my job and sent me back out to Ukraine. That was the beginning of a wild adventure with the Lord!

Within the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to serve alongside the most incredible selfless people: building relationships, helping refugees in various ways, preaching the Gospel, bringing aid to those in need, equipping and teaching teens and youth. I find so much joy in having the honor and privilege to be a vessel used by God, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Even today, not knowing exactly what tomorrow holds and where the Lord will be leading me, I always remind myself that as soon as I said YES to the Father, it became a partnership. He guides and I follow. I don’t always need to know where or what, but to just continue to be in full surrender, because He always has the perfect plan. And I only wish to be fully in His will. My heart is to see people saved, set free, healed and restored.

Thank you for partnering with me in what the Lord is doing today! I pray that together we will produce much fruit for the Kingdom and see a mighty harvest!