
Krystal Sim
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Hi friends! I’m currently a full-time missionary in Busan, South Korea. I moved here in August 2022 from Kansas City (go Chiefs!) and committed 3 years to the Lord as a missionary to this nation when I was 24 years old. I’m serving a ministry called Newport Bridge Ministry and our purpose is to be a bridge to North Korea, bridge to the next generation in South Korea and bridge for Koreans to go to the nations! I also serve as a host for outreach teams from international ministries such as YWAM Kona from the US and Dunamis Greenhouse from Brazil to serve as a bridge for missionaries to jump in with what God is doing here in Korea!

I believe with all my heart, now is Korea’s KAIROS TIME and we will see the greatest harvest and missions movement in human history in this hour unto the return of JESUS! If it’s on your heart to partner with me to see the Great Commission fulfilled in Korea, I’d love to connect with you!!! Thank you, love you and God bless you!!!

In Korea as it is in heaven!!!

Krystal Sim

Why do I do what I do?

The love of Jesus hasn’t just changed my life, it IS life. The gospel has made me into a new creation, the old is dead and gone, and the new has come! It is my joy to dedicate my life to testifying to this good news whether through evangelism, mission trips, spreading Kingdom of God principles through my job, service—all expressions of love to make His name known.

I received this call to be a missionary when I was 19 years old—to make His name known in all nations and all spheres of society until He returns during my Discipleship Training School (DTS) in YWAM Kona. A year later, God led me to help pioneer the first Fire and Fragrance DTS in South America in Brazil in partnership with Dunamis Movement! From 2017 until 2023, I’ve gone on missions to 6 nations across Asia, South America and the Middle East and also led local outreach efforts in my neighborhood in Kansas City.

I do what I do because Jesus is my highest example. His life as a man on Earth recorded in Scripture shows us how we should live and also how we should die—in order to truly live in Him. He ascended back into heaven and sent us His Holy Spirit to empower us to do greater works than He did. I have set out “to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work” (John 4:34), the Great Commission, to “make disciples of all nations” so that EVERY SOUL would know and experience his SAVING LOVE THAT SETS US FREE!!!