
Lauren Butts
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At Because Justice Matters, we are building pathways to brighter futures for women and girls in urban communities. We believe lasting change comes through love. Through relationship, we remind women and girls of their true and intrinsic value, develop skills to stop cycles of poverty and violence, and highlight new possibilities for growth and change. In urban communities, women and girls encounter unique obstacles that perpetuate a cycle of isolation. Poverty and exploitation hinder women and girls from dreaming of a better future, and the needs of these women and girls are consistently unseen and underserved. We are here to change that.

So, why women and girls?

Women and girls have unique abilities to uplift their communities. God has given dreams, passions, and skills to women and girls that he will use to bring thriving in the city. Pathways to brighter futures for women and girls are part of what makes this possible. When women and girls can envision a bright future, they can lead the way for themselves and their communities, all while encountering the incredible love of God.

How can you partner with me?

Because Justice Matters has no central funds for paying salaries and ministry expenses. Like many other ministry organizations, we depend upon the consistent financial support of individuals and churches who are led to give. These contributions are used to fund the work that I do! I am building a team of partners to support me financially and prayerfully, and I would love for you to join me and my team!

If you would like to learn more, I would love to chat with you! I can be reached at

Your donation is tax-deductible. *Please note that when you set up your gift payment, you can choose to cover the 6% fee that I pay to Modern Day to use their financial processing services. Also, if you pay with a credit card a percentage of your gift will be taken out for a processing fee. The best option to have your gift fully utilized is to use your bank account, but of course do what works best for you! I am deeply grateful that you are here and supporting me in God’s call on my life!

To learn more about Because Justice Matters, you can find our website here.