
Matthew Smoler

Matthew has a rich 16 year history in men’s prayer, discipling young adults, Middle East Missions and pioneering ministries through the Global Prayer Movement. Matthew is married to Rebecca, and are raising their 2 children in Kansas City, Missouri.

For the first half of 2024, Matthew will take a sabbatical season to wholly prepare to enter into this next phase of Kingdom ministry

This mission will begin in the Fall of 2o24, and it’s focus will be on pioneering a dynamic international kingdom network dedicated to serving the needs of the Jewish People and beyond. It’s our conviction that the time has come for God’s redemptive purposes for the Jewish People to be front and center in the nations!

We would be glad to share more with you on zoom or on the phone.  

Is God calling you to partner with us in prayer, donations, or even helping with facilitating gatherings or providing physical resources beyond money?

Please reach out!,

With you for the Kingdom of God,

Matthew & Rebecca

To Donate:

select Matthew Smoler from the drop-down designation menu