
Bethany Dotseth
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We are a Mexican-American family serving in family ministries in YWAM Norway.
Through our own upbringing, battles and victories God has called us to bring hope and healing to families. We feel the burden to help others in some of the most crucial moments in life; marriage and family. There is a huge need around the world for families to be strengthened and restored; family disintegration is affecting us more than we think. We are convinced that today’s society needs to go back to God’s original design for family and marriage. God gave us Isaiah 58:12 as an anchor for our family for the years to come.

“Strong marriages produce healthy families. Healthy families bring forth healthy individuals. And healthy individuals make a strong nation. Where else could we have a greater impact on the world than in the family?” 

The last few years we have spent time serving and learning in different parts of the world; Thailand, Germany, India, Chile, South Africa and Mexico. Join us in the journey of getting the life changing news to those in need!