
Payton Amy
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Hi friends and family!

My name is Payton Amy and I am 20 from Frankenmuth, Michigan. Since I was little, I have felt the call of missions over my life. When being asked in 2nd grade what I want to do when I am older, I responded with “I want to be a missionary.”

So after high school, I decided to go to Youth With A Mission, one of the world’s largest missionary sending bases, and do a DTS (Discipleship Training School), which trains and equips people for the mission field. After being trained, I went on a 3 month mission trip to Turkey and fell in love with the nations and telling people about Jesus.

Since finishing my DTS, I have had the opportunity to travel to many different countries and have been able to share the love of God and the message of the gospel to many different people groups. Over the last 3 years, God has began to combine my burning heart for injustice with missions. I have been getting trained to work directly with the injustice of Sex Trafficking and will soon take these skills that are being developed, to the nations. I fully believe that my generation will see the end of sexual violence through the revolution of the love of Jesus.

It is my privilege to continue following God’s call on my life serving as a full-time missionary. I need a team of partners who will stand with me so that the good news of Jesus can be shared throughout the nations. I can’t do this on my own, but together we can see lives transformed! I would love to invite you to join my prayer and monthly partnership team.

Payton Amy