
David Reece
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Hello! Thank you for visiting my page on Modern Day! The Lord has called my family into a mission of protecting the family, bolstering the church and building up a generation of believers who are ready to stand firm in the face of a world gone mad. Our focus has been on LGBT issues: teaching the church how to this topic and working to stop legislation that would limit freedom of religion and speech in Oregon and the Nation.

After a decades-long personal struggle with same-sex attraction, I needed professional counseling. I am grateful to my licensed professional counselor and many mentors who walked with me to find true healing in Jesus, where I now confidently walk in my masculinity knowing that my identity is in Christ.

I now fight to maintain freedoms for those wanting to leave their LGBTQ identity – and let me assure you, it is a fight! Federal and state legislators are working tirelessly to remove freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of conscience! We believe everyone should have the freedom and right to pursue what they want – that includes leaving LGBT – and therefore, counseling choice should never be unlawful. I advocate for this across the nation by educating state legislators, building relationships with Members of Congress and their staff, offering expert testimony in hearings, helping write legislation to protect children, and more. As I focus my efforts on Oregon – I will be endeavoring to protect Oregon families, churches and individuals in this fight.

By financially partnering with my advocacy work, you are funding the fight for truth, the fight to maintain freedom of speech and the fight to halt the LGBTQ agenda across our nation! Thank you for partnering with me. My family and I are grateful for you and your heart for this mission!

David Reece