
Rachael Scribner
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What a privilege it is to be a part of Modern Day Missions! Ever since I was a young child I have had a passion for Jesus and sharing His goodness and love with those around me. I have a heart to see the lost, the hurting, the broken and the forgotten touched by the love of God. The way He can transform and heal a life is so profound and beautiful. Over the years I’ve served with a variety of ministries and mission organizations, each focused on bringing God’s love and presence in different ways. Currently I am a part of the ministry team for Leaders Alliance through Bethel Church.  It’s incredible getting to be a part of the team and pray and minister to people from all around the globe. I’m also ministering with High Place Ministries. We do in-person prayer, prophetic and deliverance ministry. I am so blessed by all that I am learning in this season and the number of ways that I get to lead and put into practice the training I’ve received. Thank you so much for your partnership and being a huge part of enabling me to be involved in ministry and pursuing what God has put in my heart!