
Steph Mensah
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Stephanie Mensah is a full-time missionary with Circuit Riders (CR), a community of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) passionate about reaching and equipping the youth of the nations with the Gospel.  Stephanie first served with Circuit Riders and Fire + Fragrance from 2012-2015 before going on to work with Lou Engle and TheCall. Having rejoined Circuit Rider staff in 2019, Stephanie is now one of the core trainers for Black Voices Movement, a CR initiative focussed on empowering young Black leaders into their missional callings, expressions, and purposes unto a diverse missions movement and the completion of the Great Commission. Stephanie writes curriculum for the Black Voices training track, disciples students, and is part of a team developing strategy for international expansion and outreaches. Stephanie is one of over 200 full-time Circuit Rider staff who plan and lead nationwide + international tours to university and high school campuses through Black Voices, Carry the Love, and Brave Love (women’s movement), partner with local churches and ministries, run discipleship schools (Circuit Rider Experience), and intensively sow in the place of worship + prayer (Greenhouse Prayer Room), equipping, and training in Kingdom culture and power evangelism. Stephanie’s heart burns for the the youth of the nations to encounter the supreme Beauty and Worth of Jesus Christ, and respond with an unreserved YES to follow Him.



I would love for you to join my Investment Team, through prayer + financial partnerships (either one-time or monthly), as I serve with Circuit Riders! It is a tremendous honour to be entrusted with this portion of work in furthering the Kingdom of God, and I cannot do it alone; your financial partnership is absolutely vital to this work, and I encourage you to prayerfully consider sowing into these endeavours! TOGETHER we can see Jesus Christ receive His inheritance in America, and even to the ends of the earth.