
A Miraculous Testimony: From Buddhist to On-Fire Missionary

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Missions Articles

Amy was born into a traditional Buddhist family. Although those beliefs gave Amy and her family something to actively engage in, it never filled the growing void in their lives. When she was sixteen years old, it was evident that Amy’s life was falling apart. Constantly consumed by a spirit of depression, Amy contemplated ending her life many times. In fact, when Amy shares about this season of her life, she only has a few words to describe it: “depressed, hopeless & without purpose.”

This all changed when Amy had a radical encounter with Jesus that led to her accepting Him as her Lord and Savior! Out of fear of her parent’s response, Amy decided that she would keep this news of her salvation a secret from them. Over the next six months, Amy got plugged into a church and God was doing an amazing work in her life.

As time went by, Amy started feeling the Holy Spirit convict her heart about telling her parents that she had decided to follow Jesus. This decision was confirmed to her one day when Amy’s pastor also encouraged her to speak the truth to her parents.

That evening, Amy planned to sit her parents down and tell them about her decision. Can you imagine the thoughts that went through her head?

“Will my parents disown me? Will they hate me? Is everything about to change forever?”

When Amy got home she sat both of her parents down and told them that she had come to know the love of Jesus and that she had given her life to Him. Amy’s news quickly upset her mother who quickly commented that she was destroying their family.

But as quickly as those words were said, God showed up and within a moment changed the room. Within a minute of her mother saying those words, she looked up at Amy and said to her, “but you’ve changed, you’ve become a different person.” In fact, over the six months that Amy kept her salvation hidden from her family, her parents were noticing massive changes in her life. She was becoming a new person and because of that, Amy’s mother told her that she and her father would support her in her new faith in Jesus.

I’m sure you could guess that Amy has a deep passion in sharing with others what Jesus has done for her. So much so, that she currently lives abroad as a full-time missionary sharing daily the love of Jesus with those who have never experienced it.


Listen to Amy tell her full story on our podcast show, Missions in the Modern Day.

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