
Update on Sarah Graefe – Ethiopia

by | Oct 11, 2010 | Missions Articles

On September 4, Sarah Graefe arrived in Harar, Ethiopia. For the next 12 months, Sarah will be in Harar working with Mission SOS International, a pentecostal missions agency committed to reaching the unreached people groups of the world. Currently, Mission SOS has bases in India, Bulgaria, Thailand and Ethiopia. The base in Harar has been in place for 5 years and has been actively growing. The goal of Mission SOS in starting a base, is to build relationship with the local people, start house churches, start a local church and bible school and then train local men and women for leadership and evangelism to their own people. Eventually, the church and leadership will be handed completely over to the local people, enabling them to better reach their own people. Along with these ministry opportunities, Sarah will also be working with a local children’s ministry that was started by Mission SOS. Currently, almost 50% of Ethiopia’s population is under the age of 15. To learn more about Sarah’s journey, check out her blog HERE.

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